Vendido en venta, Collaboration with Christhian Díaz, SOMA Summer, Mexico City, Mexico, 2019
Above are video stills and audio excerpts from a collaborative performance with artist Christhian Díaz which took place during SOMA Summer 2019 residency in Mexico City. After our repeated listening to the vocal characteristics embedded in how street vendors projected their voices, Christhian and I had conversations regarding our interest in vocality before deciding the form of our collaboration. In order to signal the start of the performance that evening, we recited a text score comprised of both usual and absurd items for sale. Walking through a gathered crowd with a live microphone connected to a PA system, Christhian began his own pattern of projecting his voice. Hawking items from a large bag carried on his shoulders, Christhian would unpack the items on a blanket as I walked over to re-pack them into the bag. We repeated this cycle throughout the performance. My contribution to the work was to live sample and process Christhian’s vocal signal. I’d layer his voice in real-time alongside Christhian’s live hawking of goods as he walked into the crowd gathered for the performance. He traced out an irregular path, splitting the crowd at times. My aural work sought to complicate and reorient the sonic cadences; moving between intelligible into unintelligible language.